Featured Featured Event Series Friday Freshen Up

Friday Freshen Up

125th & Marginal Sts 125th & Marginal Sts, Manhattan

Get out to the park and kick off the weekend with some local sounds at this monthly musical get-happy hour. July 26 - OSG / unique R&B and soul Diya Drake & Naomi Jay, a stylistically unique R&B Duo who has been singing, performing, and playing in sync from small open mics to large performance […]

Featured Featured Event Series Films on the Green

Films on the Green

Pier I Pier I, 500 W 70th St, Riverside Park, New York

Experience the magic of French cinema under the stars in New York City's most beautiful parks! The 16th edition of Films on the Green celebrates "Sport in Film". https://villa-albertine.org/. Rain Dates July 20 & 27. Summer on the Hudson events are free and open to the public. Seating is limited, unreserved, and available on a […]