For each week of camp and for each camper, there is a non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of $50 at our Fort Washington Park location and $100 at our Riverside Park location. Your spot is not reserved until payment is received.
Full-price registrations may be cancelled with three weeks written notice to prior to campers start date (the $50/$100 deposit is non-refundable).
Please note that refunds will not be issued without written confirmation from parent or guardian, stating that the camper’s parent/guardian is aware of RPC Summer Sports Camp’s cancellation policy and they understand that the processing/holding fee amount is non-refundable. (The processing/holding fee amount for the camp is $50/$100 per camp per camper.)
Cancellation notification may be emailed. To cancel via email, send your notification to Note in the subject line “Camp Cancellation” and make sure to include camper name, camp name, and camp dates.
In addition, no refunds will be issued for early withdrawal due to absences (for any reason including sickness), behavioral dismissals, power failures, unforeseeable events not within the control of the RPC Summer Sports Camp or other acts of nature. If students leave camp early for ANY reason, the tuition is NOT prorated and no refund will be issued.
If Camp is Canceled due to weather or pandemic related reasons, a credit will be issued for the cost of that day of camp good towards any program we run.