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We’re honoring Daniel R. Garodnick and Laurie Brown Kindred on June 3 – learn more here!

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Riverside Park Rookie (ages 4-6)

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Age Group 4-6

Dates June 2 - August 22

Camp Type Full Day, Half Day

Location 107th Street Fields

Add Ons Meals, transportation, early drop-off and late pickup

Introducing Rookie Sports for boys and girls ages 4-6 years old! Each week campers will take part in an exciting, fun, and engaging multi-sport curriculum in a supportive environment led by experienced and knowledgeable coaches. Featuring relay races, obstacle courses, T-ball, kickball, capture the flag, dodgeball, color war, and many more exciting and captivating games, campers will have non-stop fun! The program is designed with a focus on teamwork, sportsmanship, hustle and friendly competition while introducing young athletes to different activities and fostering their love for sports for years to come!

Sample Schedule (Full Day)

8:45 – 9:00 AM:
Campers meet on Riverside Drive for check-in with coaches

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM:
Daily warmup, stretching, running relays

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM:
Obstacle course

10:00 AM – 10:15 AM:

10:15 AM – 10:45 AM:
Morning Team Skills Activity 1

10:45 AM – 11:45 AM:
Morning Team Sports Game

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM:
Hand washing and sanitizing

12:15 PM – 1:00 PM:
Lunch at Ellington in the Park under awning in shade

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM:
Afternoon Skills Activity

1:30 PM – 2:15 PM:
Afternoon Team Sports Game

2:15 PM – 2:45 PM:

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM:
Wrap up and snack

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM:
Hand washing/bathroom

3:20 PM – 3:30 PM:
Camp Dismissal on Riverside Drive

Sample Schedule (Half Day)

Morning arrival & Camper Welcome

Camper warm-up routine

Radical Relays

SPORTS ROTATION #1 (Tee-Ball, Capture the flag, Dodgeball, Kickball and more!)

10:30 – 10:45am

10:45 – 11:30 am:
SPORTS ROTATION #2 (Tee-Ball, Capture the flag, Dodgeball, Kickball and more!)

11:30 am -11:55am:
Obstacle Course Fun / Teamwork Games

Dismissal/Transfer to afternoon multi-sport


Lunch is provided by Ellington in the Park
Cost: $60 per week


Campers will be transported in our climate-controlled school buses directly to West 104th Street & Riverside Drive where their coaches will be waiting to escort them to their sports for the day.

Cost: $150 per week

Early Drop-Off (8:15am): $50 per week
Late Pick-Up (until 5:30pm): $100 per week

Pick-up Locations:

  • Union Street and 5th Avenue (BK)
  • Bergen and 4th Avenue (BK)
  • Bergen and Smith Street (BK)
  • Pierrepoint and Clinton Street (BK)
  • East 13th Street and 1st Avenue
  • East 13th Street and 3rd Avenue
  • East 23rd Street and 3rd Avenue
  • East 33rd and 3rd Avenue
  • East 43rd and 3rd Avenue
  • East 53rd and 3rd Avenue
  • East 63rd and 3rd Avenue
  • East 73rd and 3rd Avenue
  • East 83rd and 3rd Avenue
  • East 93rd and 3rd Avenue
  • East 95th and Madison Avenue
  • West 97th and Columbus Avenue

Drop-off Locations:

  • West 96th and Columbus Avenue
  • East 94th and Madison Avenue
  • East 93rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 83rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 73rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 63rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 53rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 43rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 33rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 23rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 13rd and 2nd Avenue
  • East 13th and 1st Avenue
  • Pierepont and Clinton Street (BK)
  • Bergen and Smith Street (BK)
  • Bergen and 4th Avenue (BK)
  • Union Street and 5th Avenue (BK)
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