Bat Talk presented by Gotham Bat Conservancy

Gotham Bat Conservancy (GBC) will be presenting their research findings with a focus on the bat populations in Riverside Park’s very own urban forests. Throughout this year they have been monitoring and collecting data throughout Riverside Park and New York City at large.

Join us to learn about how bats’ echolocation can be used to monitor bat populations. Using acoustic bat monitoring devices that pick up high-frequency sounds, bats can be identified based on their species-specific call characteristics. This information can be used to provide insight into changes in bat populations over time and help inform conservation efforts.

Learn how to locate sleeping bats, the importance of bats in our environment, and bat conservation in New York City. Join us at the 102nd Street Field House for this educational lecture.

Register for this free talk here.

“At its annual spring benefit on June 7, Riverside Park Conservancy honored Lori Bassman and Mary Frances Shaughnessy, two members of the board who helped to create and grow the organization into what it is today. The Conservancy’s benefit, titled “Together Again,” was their first in-person annual fundraiser since 2019, and it was a great success.”