Works in Public Opening: Riverside Park South

The Art Students League of New York and the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation invite you to the opening of Works in Public in Riverside Park South, celebrating sculptures by Henry Roundtrip Marton Newman and Sydney Shen.

The Art Students League of New York and the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation invite you to the opening of Works in Public in Riverside Park at 145th Street, celebrating sculptures by Patricia Espinosa and Malin Abrahamsson.

PLEASE NOTE: The Riverbank State Park stairs down to the waterfront at 145th Street are currently closed for renovation. Visitors should access the 145th Street waterfront via the pedestrian access at 148th Street and Riverside Drive, or the pedestrian bridge at 151st Street and Riverside Drive.

The Art Students League of New York and the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation invite you to the closing of Works in Public, celebrating sculptures by Marco Palli and Sophie Kahn.

Join us for performances at the sculptures from 3 – 5:45pm, including dance, reading, music, and soundscapes.

For more information about the performances, and to register, click here.